外国人市民向け「生活オリエンテーション」Orientation for New Foreign Residents
The lecture will be held for foreign residents who have just started living in Ageo. You can learn various tips and helpful information needed for living, in easy-to-understand Japanese. The lecture will be followed by a winter party or- ganized by the Ageo Global Association (participation is optional). You can enjoy food and dances of various countries and also mingle with local residents
と き:2月9日(日曜日)午後1時00分から1時45分 (ウィンターパーティーは午後2時から4時)
When : February 9th. 2025 (Sunday) 1:00pm ~ 1:45pm (Winter Party: 2:00pm ~ 4:00pm)
ところ:上尾公民館 402
Where: Ageo Kouminkan 402
定 員:15人(先着順)
Capacity: 15 person(first-come basis)
費 用:生活オリエンテーョン無料 ウィンターパーティー 1,000円/1人
Cost : no charge for orientation, 1,000 yen/per- son for winter party.
Application: please provide the following information to Shiminkyodo-suishin-ka by email (s53000@city.ageo.lg.jp)no later than February 6 (Thu)
Name, Nationality, phone number, mail address and your intention to participate the party.